Unlike many photographers who make a strict distinction between commercial and private work, Juergen Teller has always had a unique advantage in the combination of these two elements. In this book, private photographs taken in and around his house in Suffolk and fashion model Lily Cole float like Ophiria, and Vivienne Westwood leans against the red Mercedes Benz. The above elements, such as the works that were made, create a world view that is a fusion of public and private.
デザイン:Peter Miles, Juergen Teller
出版社 publisher:Steidl
刊行年 year:2012
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H305×W243mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language :
付属品 attachment:帯/wraparound band
状態 condition:経年並み。/good.