SONGBOOK』と『GATHERED LEAVES』の撮影後、アメリカという大きな国を見つめるあまり、発想が煮詰まっていたというソスが一度自国アメリカを忘れ、再び原点に立ち戻ろうとした写真集。撮影は全て室内で、アメリカに限らず世界各地でカメラに収めた。場所ではなく人にフォーカスすること、人の鼓動を聞くことに時間を費やし、人間の本質、内的な生活に迫ろうとしている。巻末には小説家・ハニヤ・ヤナギハラ(Hanya Yanagihara)との対談も収録。サインあり。
A photo book by Alec Soth, a member photographer of the international photo agency Magnum Photos. After filming "
SONGBOOK" and "GATHERED LEAVES", Soth was so focused on America as a big country that his ideas had simmered down.This is a photo book in which he once forgot about his home country, America, and tried to return to his roots. All filming was done indoors, with cameras not only in the United States but all over the world. Focusing on people rather than places, he spends time listening to people's heartbeats, trying to get to the core of human nature and their inner lives. A conversation with novelist Hanya Yanagihara is also included at the end of the book. Signed.
出版社 publisher:MACK
刊行年 year:2019
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H340×W306mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:英文/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:サインあり。経年並みです。/signed, good.