This is a research resource for the 1953 film Tokyo Story directed by Ozu Yasujiro. The main content of this book is a visual découpage that recreates the film through images and dialogue. The images were taken from multiple 35mm prints owned by Shochiku, and every shot was photographed, resulting in a total of 1,732 images. The dialogue was entirely re-taken from the film's soundtrack, with reference to the script used by Ozu at the end of the book, and is presented in modern, easy-to-read notation that is close to the audio in the film. Other content includes an essay by film critic Sato Tadao, interviews with cameraman Atsuta Yuharu, actor Ryu Chishu, and music composer Saito Takanobu, making this a book that reconsiders one film from various angles.
『東京物語』について 佐藤忠男
インタビュー 厚田雄春 『東京物語』のカメラワーク
インタビュー 笠智衆 小津安二郎の演出
インタビュー 斎藤高順 『東京物語』のテーマ音楽
『東京物語』資料 新聞・雑誌時評
『東京物語』資料 スタッフ・キャストプロフィール
出版社 publisher:リブロポート/Libro Port
刊行年 year:1993
ページ数 pages:326
サイズ size:H303×W216mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket
状態 condition:カバー少傷み。/slightly damaged on the dust jacket.