おとこと女』を発表した直後に細江英公は「抱擁」と題した写真を撮り始めたが、ビル・ブラント(1904-1983)の『Perspective of Nudes』を見てしばらくこのシリーズを続けられないほど細江はショックを受けた。一切中止してしまった「抱擁」はその後『
In 1960, Eikoh Hosoe began taking photographs titled "Embrace" immediately after the release of "Man and Woman". Hosoe was so shocked that she could not continue. It is said that he finally gained the confidence to surpass Bill Brandt after "Embrace", which was completely canceled, and then "Rose Punishment" and "Kamaitachi". The subjects (Koichi Tamano, Yoko Ashikawa, Saga Kobayashi, Ryoko Imaizumi) provided by Tatsumi Hijikata (1928-1986) were photographed in an extremely short period of time, only three times. By the way, when this book was published, an original print of "Embrace" was dry-mounted to about cabinet size for 10,000 yen and distributed with Mr. Hosoe's signature. A separate leaflet with details is also included. Signed.
序文:三島由紀夫-Preface: Yukio Mishima
出版社 publisher:写真評論社/Shashin Hyoronsha Publishing House
刊行年 year:1971 First Edition
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H374×W265mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:函、帯、カバー、チラシ、出版社広告、注文カード/slip case, dust jacket, flyer, pamphlet, publisher's card.
状態 condition:函、帯少傷み。サインあり。/slightly damaged on the slip case and wraparound band, signed.