A reprint of the first photo book "
MAN and WOMAN" by Eikoh Hosoe. Modeled after the butoh dancer Tatsumi Hijikata, he imbued photographic expressions with sexual expressions such as the sexuality and physical relationship between men and women. As for the book of the photo book, the novel points such as the color of the cover, the page layout using the vivid colors such as red and orange, and the vertically assembled poetry of Taro Yamamoto leave a strong impact. The format, layout, accessories, etc. are all faithfully reproduced.
出版社 publisher:ナディフ/NADiff
刊行年 year:2006
ページ数 pages:126
サイズ size:H250×W190mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:函、帯、カバー/slip case, wraparound band, dust jacket
状態 condition:函少傷あり。帯傷み。/slightly damaged on the dust jacket and wraparound band.