1992年にエレン・フライス(Elein Fleiss)とオリビエ・ザーム(Olivier Zahm)の二人が始めたフランス発のファッション・カルチャー誌『Purple Prose』の第11号。Purpleの歴史としては最初期にあたる頃の号。小さな判型で、純粋なカラーページはなく、ほぼ単色のページが多くインディペンデントな雰囲気が漂う。日本人としては長島有里枝の写真が三点掲載されている。
The 11th issue of Purple Prose, a French fashion and culture magazine started in 1992 by Elein Fleiss and Olivier Zahm. This is the first issue in the history of Purple. It's a small format, there are no pure color pages, and there are many pages in almost single color, giving it an independent atmosphere. As a Japanese, three photos of Yurie Nagashima are posted.
Letter Vidya & Jean-Michel
Impressions of Poise Dog
Chiaki Tamura Olivier Zahm
Sites Utopiques A. Fremy/D. Inkster
In Town with Boss Hog Jutta Koether
Maurizio Cattelan, World Tour Olivier Zahm
Carole Chabat Guillaume Nez
Don't Look Back E. Fleiss/M. T. Leccia
Go to the Bear's Keizo Suhara
Humbert Marie-Therese Leccia
Meanderings on the Age... Dike Blair
La maison de the E. Fleiss/D. Gonzalez-Foerster
Nathalie Baye Bernard Joisten
Conscious Clothes Elein Fleiss
Maura Biavi Anaid Demir
Where are you now? D. Gonzalez-Foerster
Racing Cup Anders Edstrom
Intimate Journey Jan Aman/Catti Lindhal
La vie en 3D Arnaud Viviant B. Joisten/O. Zahm
reserve ilnu... Anne Cury
69 Proposals for an Anti-Erotic Year Jeff Rian
NaCI Jean-Michel Fradkin
Test Claude Closky
Union pour le vetement Else Skalvoll
Florence Manlik Guillaume Nez
Au dela des apparences... Marie-Therese Leccia
3 photos Yurie Nagashima
Makeshift Power Suit Andreas Angelidakis
The Logic of the Puppeteer Dike Blair
La voie lactee Elein Fleiss
Subrosa Stephen Joannon
"Je crois qu'il est temps de..." Olivier Zahm
Beyond the Score Judy Elkan
Maria Finn Simon Sheikh
Temporary Coalitions Olivier Zahm
Girls Talk Dike Blair
Overall Oval B. Joisten/C. Vivier
エディター・イン・チーフ:Olivier Zahm, Elein Fleiss
アートディレクション:Christophe Brunnquell, Anne-Iris Guyonnet
出版社 publisher:Association Belle Haleine
刊行年 year:1996
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H187×W132mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:部分的に英文と仏文/English and French in some parts.
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.