1992年にオリヴィエ・ザーム(Olivier Zahm)とエレン・フライス(Elein Fleiss)によって創刊されたカルチャー雑誌Purple。既存のファッション雑誌とは一線を画す存在として年々斬新な誌面を提供している。Juergen Teller、Terry Richardson、Wolfgang Tillmansなど有名フォトグラファーが参加していることでも知られている。
Purple is a cultural magazine founded in 1992 by Olivier Zahm and Elein Fleiss. As an entity that sets it apart from existing fashion magazines, it offers innovative magazines year after year. It is also known for the participation of well-known photographers such as Juergen Teller, Terry Richardson and Wolfgang Tillmans.
1 purple NEWS
Petra Collins
Katsuya Kamo (加茂克也)
Mark Mahoney
Jon Rafman
Torbjorn Rodland
Aaron Stern
Jeanette Hayes
Midnight Magic
Joseph Kosuth
Bruno Pieters
Remi Paringaux
Kerim Seiler
Christophe Brunnquell
Anna-Sophie Berger
Klara Liden
Mike Krieger
Amalia Ulman
Laurence Owen
Elias Redstone
Masafumi Sanai(佐内正史)
Delfina Delettrez
Miroslav Tichy
Aron Morel
2 BEST of the SEASON
The Spring/Summer 2014 collections photographed by Terry Richardson
3 purple INTERVIEW
Juergen Teller by Lily McMenamy and Olivier Zahm
Vito Acconci by Jeff Rian
Junya Watanabe by Olivier Zahm
Jean-Philippe Delhomme by Olivier Zahm
Maurizio Cattelan by Francesco Bonami and Olivier Zahm
Giorgio Moroder by Sven Schumann
Graphic Jackets and Coats by Benjamin Alexander Huseby
Theatrical Tops by Katerina Jebb
Sumptuous Skirts by Camille Bidault Waddington
Provocative Pants by Theo Wenner
Creamy Leather by Roe Ethridge
Cinematic Knitwear by Chikashi Suzuki(鈴木親)
Dreamy Dresses by Mark Borthwick
5 purple FASHION MEN
The Night Will Be Black and White by Carter Smith
Erykah Badu by Karim Sadli
Waiting for the Wave by Michael Hauptman
6 purple LOVE
Vionnet Accessories photography by Vanina Sorrenti
7 purple DOCUMENT
David Blaine photography by Sante D'Orazio text by Glenn O'Brien
Baker Skateboards photography by Patrick O'Dell text by Dustin Dollin
The inventory of Balthus photography by Katerina Jebb
La Scarzuola photography by Gianni Oprandi text by Patrick Mauries
Pool-Skating Sub-Culture photography and text by Arto Saari
8 purple BEAUTY
photography by Katja Rahlwes
9 purple TRAVEL
When Everyday Life Becomes Forms: Suriname, South America photography by Viviane Sassen
10 purple NAKED
Pamela Anderson photography and interview by Sante D'Orazio
11 purple NIGHT
Night Pictures by Olivier Zahm and Stephane Feugere
Area, The Nightclub As Art text by Glenn O'Brien
12 purple STORY
Togetherness photography by Ryan McGinley
13 purple VISUAL ESSAY
Introducing the World of Ren Hang(任航)
編集長&クリエイティブ・ディレクター:Olivier Zahm
エグゼクティブ・エディター:Caroline Gaimari
オリジナル・グラフィック・システム:M/M (Paris)
デザイン・ディレクター:Gianni Oprandi
出版社 publisher:Purple Institute
刊行年 year:2014
ページ数 pages:461
サイズ size:H300×W229mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:英文/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.