牛腸茂雄(1946-1983)は自作による三冊の写真集と、構想中の写真集のための草案を残し、1983年36歳でこの世を去った。本書は生前に最も評価の高かった二作目となる写真集『SELF AND OTHERS(1977)』の復刻版。自己のなかに住みつく他者、他者のなかに住みつく自己。日常のなかで瞬間的に訪れる自己と他者との出会いが織り成す複雑に絡み合った関係性を、写真家独自の視点によって掬い撮った名作。いわゆる日本の写真史の中で語られる「コンポラ写真」を代表する一冊。こちらは第四刷。(現在2018年の8刷まで確認されている。写真集の中でもロングセラーだと言える。)
Shigeo Gocho (1946-1983) passed away in 1983 at the age of 36, leaving behind three self-published photo books and a draft for a photo book he was planning. This book is a reprint of his second photo book, SELF AND OTHERS (1977), which received the highest acclaim during his lifetime. The other who lives within the self, and the self who lives within the other. A masterpiece that uses the photographer's unique perspective to capture the intricately intertwined relationships created by the momentary encounters between the self and others in everyday life. This is a book that represents the ``compora photography'' that is talked about in the so-called history of Japanese photography. This is the fourth printing. (Currently, the 8th printing in 2018 has been confirmed. It can be said to be a long-selling photo book.)
出版社 publisher:未来社/Miraisha
刊行年 year:2001 Forth printing
ページ数 pages:114
サイズ size:H207×W235mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/部分的に英文-Japanese/English in some parts
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket
状態 condition:カバー少傷み。/slightly damaged on the dust jacket.