A collection of works by American artist Alexander Calder (1898-1976). Calder is known for its moving sculpture "Mobile", but this book also includes pre-mobile sketches, action toys, mobile jewelry, posters, and more. Of course, mobiles are also posted.
編集&発行:Paul Anbinder
コピーエディター:Janet Finnie
デザイナー:Vincent J. Schifano
出版社 publisher:Hudson Hills Press, Inc.
刊行年 year:1981
ページ数 pages:96
サイズ size:H261×W188mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:英文/English
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket.
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.