A compilation of photographs taken by numerous photographers on the theme of the beauty of the female body. Edited by Haworth Campbell, who served as the art director for Condé Nast's Vogue and Vanity Fair in the 1910s, the layout of the photographs and typesetting are beautiful.
編集:Heyworth Campbell
序文:Dorthy Cocks
表紙写真:Werner W. Greeven
写真:Dudley Lee-Lee and Burger, Globe Photos, Werner W. Greeven, Framk R. Fraprie, Windmann Studios, Fred P. Peel, Richard Bettini, Ullberg and Oliver, Ralph Sommer, Lejaren a Hiller -Underwood & Underwood, Ulilberg and Oliver, William M. Rittase, Bert Clark Thayer, Hal Phyfe, John McSherry, Don Wallace, Ruth Bernhard, Edward J. Herbert, Alexander Alland,
出版社 publisher:DODGE Publishing
刊行年 year:1935
ページ数 pages:75
サイズ size:H298×W230mm
フォーマット format:リング製本/spiral bound
言語 language : 英文/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:傷み。/slightly damaged.