A photo picture book that came to fruition through collaboration between photographer Koichi Inakoshi and novelist Haruki Murakami. Haruki Murakami's messages flow like a musical ensemble through photographs of various waves and beaches. I'm not sure if there was a personal friendship between the photographer and the novelist, but reading this book, I think they were on the same wavelength. With dedication signature.
テキスト:村上春樹/Haruki Murakami
出版社 publisher:文藝春秋/BUNGEISHUNJU LTD.
刊行年 year:1984
ページ数 pages:95
サイズ size:H283×W210mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:帯/wraparound band
状態 condition:帯少傷み。サインあり。/slightly damaged on the wraparound band, signed.