A collection of photographs of Robert Mapplethorpe's (1946-1989) early Polaroid works, nudes, sex, flowers, portraits, and other masterpieces until his later years. Published in 1992 after his death, the volume is 4 cm thick. By the way, this book is the source of the "Robert Mapplethorpe Case", which was held up to the trial over whether it was an obscene drawing.
出版社 publisher:アップリンク/UPLINK
刊行年 year:1994
ページ数 pages:382
サイズ size:H320×W308mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:函、カバー、別紙解説/slip case, dust jacket, booklet
状態 condition:函少傷み。/slightly damaged on the box.