Original print from photographer Shinya Fujiwara's masterpiece "Memento Mori". While a student at Tokyo University of the Arts, he traveled to various parts of Asia, including India, and published "Tokyo Drift", a collection of photographs and essays about his experiences during that time, which became a bestseller. Memento Mori, published around the same time, captures the shocking moment when a dog devours a corpse washed up on the shores of the Ganges River in India. At the time, the sentence, "Humans are free enough to be eaten by dogs" caused a great response. A piece reminiscent of a photographic version of the Nine Phases. Signed on print surface.
撮影年 photographed year:unknown
プリント年 printed year:unknown
イメージサイズ image size:H240×W360mm
印画紙サイズ paper size:H295×W420mm
フレームサイズ frame size:H450×W600mm
状態 condition:額少傷あり。サインあり。/signed, slightly damaged on the frame.