A visual book for sneaker freaks by a team of sneaker freaks (enthusiasts) who create designs and videos based in London and Paris. Columns by athletes, celebrities, and sneaker designers from around the world that examine sneakers from various perspectives such as crime, counterfeiting, monetary value, and fashion, as well as global communications discovered by the editorial department through the process of contacting them on the Internet. There are many articles including thoughts on the similarities between sneakers and sneakers. A must-see book for sneaker fans, with a well-organized collection of sneaker illustrations, designs, and photos.
アートディレクション:Milk Projects
編集:Liz Farrelly
出版社 publisher:Booth-Clibborn Editions
刊行年 year:1998 First edition
ページ数 pages:240
サイズ size:H285×W226mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language : 英文/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.