石内都は1982年に写真雑誌『カメラ毎日』で「Tokyo Bay City」というタイトルで不定期連載し、横須賀や東京など彼女が幼い頃に初めて見た海を二年かけて撮影し文章と共に発表した。連載終了から約一年後に同誌は休刊、そして当時の編集長だった西井一夫も2001年に亡くなった。時が経ち改めてこの頃のポジフィルムを見直し、大量の未発表ポジを彼女が発見したところから本書は誕生した。写真は東京湾を意識的に浦賀水道からジグザグに歩き、湾の奥深くまで辿ろうとする写真家の眼を捉えている。時はちょうど埋め立てられて放置されていた荒地が整備され東京湾が大きく変わろうとする時期でもある。サインあり。
In 1982, Miyako Ishiuchi published an irregular series called ``Tokyo Bay City'' in the photo magazine ``Camera Mainichi,'' in which she spent two years photographing the sea she first saw when she was young, such as Yokosuka and Tokyo, and published the photos along with her writings. About a year after the serialization ended, the magazine ceased publication, and its editor-in-chief at the time, Kazuo Nishii, passed away in 2001. As time passed, she revisited the positive film from around this time and discovered a large number of unreleased positives, which led to the creation of this book. The photograph captures the eye of a photographer who consciously walked in a zigzag pattern across Tokyo Bay from the Uraga Channel, trying to trace it deep into the bay. This was also the time when Tokyo Bay was undergoing major changes as the wasteland that had been reclaimed and abandoned was being developed. Signed.
出版社 publisher:蒼穹舎/Sokyu-sha
刊行年 year:2010
ページ数 pages:104
サイズ size:H226×W204mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket
状態 condition:サインあり。経年並みです。/signed, good.