Martial law was enforced in Taiwan in 1949 and remained in place for approximately 38 years until it was lifted in 1987. A collection of biographies of Zheng Nan-hun (1947-1989), an action thinker who was the first to advocate Taiwan's independence in an era of severe restrictions on speech. This book reexamines the events from the year of the May 19 Green Movement (1986), which triggered the lifting of martial law, to 1989, when he self-immolated. Contains a wealth of photographic materials, texts, and letters.
出版社 publisher:書林出版有限公司/Bookman Books
刊行年 year:2013
ページ数 pages:256
サイズ size:H230×W170mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:中文(繁体字)/Chinese
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.