This book is another collection of photographs of Mt. Fuji in the Meiji era, published as an appendix to "
THE PICTURESQUE MOUNT FUJI" published by Jitsugyo-no-Nipponsha in 1912. While the former was taken by Kikusui Imao, this one was published and printed by Kazuma Ogawa, a photographer representing the dawn of Japanese photography. In addition to the photographs taken by Ogawa, the photographs included in the collection consist of photographs taken by Kozaburo Tamamura, who was also a photographer at the time, and Nobukuni Enami, who was Ogawa's first apprentice. there is A number of artistic works with beautiful compositions one by one. Even if the mountains do not change, the scenery and people at the foot of the mountains offer a sense of lost nostalgia that cannot be seen today.
出版社 publisher:小川一真出版部/K. Ogawa F.R.P.S.
刊行年 year:1912(明治45年)
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H250×W368mm
フォーマット format:糸平綴じ/side stitch binding
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:裏表紙少傷み。/slightly damaged on the back cover.