Elizabeth Payton is one of the representative painters of "New Figurative Painting", which attracted attention from a legendary exhibition at the Chelsea Hotel in 1993. This book is a collection of works published by the Japanese publisher "Synergy Inc". A series of portraits of musicians, rock stars, and historical figures that were popular at the time.
編集:Composite Press/報雅堂
出版社 publisher:シナジー幾何学/Synergy, Inc.
刊行年 year:1997 First edition, First printing
ページ数 pages:103
サイズ size:H224×W168mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:別紙テキスト/attached pamphlet.
状態 condition:表紙少ヤケ、少傷み。/slightly sunburned and damaged on the cover.