A collection of Chinese photographs taken by photographer Tadao Mitome. He first visited China in September 1971. It is stated that he joined the delegation of the Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association established by cultural figures such as Ihei Kimura and covered Guangzhou, Beijing, Xi'an, and Yan'an. Then, from the end of June to August 1972, I conducted a second shooting interview. At this time, I covered urban areas such as Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Guangzhou, industrial areas in various parts of Tohoku, the Jinggang Mountains, which is the sanctuary of the Cultural Revolution, and as many people's commune as possible for about two months alone. His purpose was to get in touch with the new post-Cultural Revolution China, to find out what the Chinese people were thinking, and to trace the scars of the Japanese invaders in the North region with their own eyes.
1 七億の先兵 若いエネルギー
2 自然と人間 大寨人民公社
3 街の顔 北京・上海・広州
4 豊かさとは 衣・食・住
5 ハリと漢方 東風の医術
6 きたえる スポーツとバレエ
7 手作りの美 美術工芸
8 進む"国産技術" 東北一帯と上海
9 子ども 次代への飛躍
10 教育の革命 大いなる実験
11 人民公社 農民の翻身
12 延安への道 革命の原点
13 武装する民衆 解放軍・民兵
出版社 publisher:主婦と生活社/SHUFU TO SEIKATSU SHA CO.,LTD.
刊行年 year:1972
ページ数 pages:268
サイズ size:H238×W183mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:カバー、帯/dust jacket, wraparound band.
状態 condition:カバー、帯少傷み。/slightly damaged on the dust jacket and wraparound band.