Photograph collection of the People's Republic of China by photographer Tokuko Ushioda. It is recorded that he traveled and photographed Guangdong Province four times in March 1981, November 1981, July 1982, and March 1983. Husband Shinzo Shimao published "
WANDERING IN CHINA” is a photo book, so I think that both couples really liked China.
出版社 publisher:self published
刊行年 year:1983
ページ数 pages:31
サイズ size:H190×W215mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:和文/中文-Japanese/Chinese
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:表紙少傷み、汚れ。本文余白汚れの箇所あり。/slightly damaged on the cover, some stains on the margin of some pages.