今作は作者が仕掛けた『SEPARATE HIDDEN RULES』という名の「罠の集積」である。鑑賞者を、あらゆる生命体との檻の中に隔離しながら、混乱させ、想像力を次々に崩壊させていく。タイトルは、それぞれの生物が持つ隠された意志、プログラミングされた遺伝子の縦横無尽な方向性に驚きを見出したことから付けられた。いつからか、物一つ一つには名前があるのだが、その重なりを解く言葉ともいえる。写真に訪れる沈黙は、情報の豊かさに比べて思考がオーバーしている場合があり、静止画でもう一度見ることで、生物と周囲それぞれのクオリアを捉え直す。都市や現代における、自然写真のアプローチとして新しい可能性を提示する。(著者ホームページより)
A number of photographs with impressive images, unique combinations of different substances, skillful color control, and unique situations. Masato Ohno's first photobook exploring the possibilities of new "natural photography". The book is written by Junko Ogawa, who is known for his works such as Tomoko Konoike, and the printing is done by the master craftsman San M Color in Kyoto, signed.
Lifeforms purchased and captured on the Internet are dropped on a daily basis. It covers a wide range of animals, plants, fruits, fish, and insects, and uses everywhere as an experimental site, and is temporarily inserted until the end of shooting. This act is called a "device" and is performed in order to deliberately bring out a savage and beautiful space without context, regardless of each habitat. Key creatures are actually unpredictable movements that make us humans uneasy. A mysterious artificial object is placed in the composition, and the meaning and excessive imbalance of meaning makes the name "what a photograph" obscure. For this reason, photographs that normally seem to be completed in one piece have their own harmony of chaos and confusion, and become an aggregate book, which makes them even more complicated and layered. The Z-shaped binding can be opened in four ways, and the single image and adjacent images can be replaced. In addition, the delicate and thin paper quality draws in damage according to the viewing attitude, promotes the life of the book, which is different from the image on the PC, and the large page accurately captures the details of the details, pressure the visual desire. answer.
This work is a "collection of traps" named "SEPARATE HIDDEN RULES" set by the author. While isolating the viewer in a cage with all living things, he confuses and destroys his imagination one after another. The title comes from discovering the hidden will of each organism and the inexhaustible direction of programmed genes. For some time, each item has a name, but it can be said to be a word that breaks the overlap. The silence that comes to the photograph may be over-thinking compared to the abundance of information, and by looking at it again with a still image, we recapture the creature and the surrounding qualia. It presents new possibilities as an approach to nature photography in cities and modern times. (From the author's homepage)
300部発行:Limited edition of 300 copies
出版社 publisher:Self Published
刊行年 year:2016
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H380×W260mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー(Z綴じ)/hardcover(Z binding)
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:新品です。サインあり。/new, signed.