Photographer Risaku Suzuki is invited to his friend Saskia's wedding. He heads to the venue with the invitation in hand. A photographer who won the Kimura Ihei Prize captures a Jewish wedding ceremony held in a large garden on a hill. After a cinematic introduction, the ceremony begins quietly, with a small number of people, and is filled with moments of happiness. A sheet with a list of attendees is included. There is a dedication signature.
出版社 publisher:リトル・モア/Little More
刊行年 year:2000 初版第1刷 First Edition
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H203×W202mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:別紙出席者一覧/supplement
状態 condition:表紙背少ヤケ。献呈サインあり。/slightly sunburned on the spine of the cover, dedication signature.