Hakka Tulou, a mysteriously shaped apartment complex scattered in the mountains of southeastern China. The residences of Hakka people who once fled the war from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River are now registered as World Heritage Sites. Osamu Nakamura, who studied under Eiichiro Sakata, a master of portrait photography, and has been active as a freelance photographer since 2006, took time to visit these areas before the World Heritage Site and photographed the people living there. An old man stands out in this group of buildings, which has a history of 1700 years. The development of China is no stranger to this remote mountainous region. It seems that young people from Hakka Tulou are now immersed in urban life and will not return to this area. And the vacant tulou is rapidly devastating. Traditional Chinese landscapes and human faces that are gradually disappearing. The day may come when these photographs left by photographers will also be evaluated as a legacy to be preserved for posterity. This book is a memorable first photo book of Osamu Nakamura. Winner of the 2020 Sagamihara Photo Newcomer Encouragement Award. There is a sign.
出版社 publisher:LITTLE MAN BOOKS
刊行年 year:2019
ページ数 pages:119
サイズ size:H286×W265mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/英文/中文-Japanese/English/Chinese
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:新品です。サインあり。/new, signed.