1987年12月。ニューヨークでイッセイミヤケの衣装をアーヴィング・ペン(Irving Penn 1917-2009)が撮り下ろし、翌年リブロポートから写真集が出版された。この時の仕事をペンが気に入ったのか、それとも三宅一生が気に入ったのか、、何がどういう経緯で実現したのかは不明だが、以後続編とも言うべき夢のコラボレーションとして続いたのが本書。
December 1987. Irving Penn (1917-2009) shot down Issey Miyake's costume in New York, and the following year a photobook was published by Libroport. I don't know if I liked the pen at this time, or if Issey Miyake liked it, and what made it happen, but this book continued as a dream collaboration that should be called a sequel.
Previous works updated Includes clothes from 1993 to 1995. The book design is Ikko Tanaka (1930-2002). Comes with a greeting card of Issey Miyake addressed to hair makeup artist Tomita Sato. The text is printed, but only the signature part is handwritten.
1500部発行:Limited Edition of 1500 copies
出版社 publisher:三宅デザイン事務所/Miyake Design Studio
刊行年 year:1995
ページ数 pages:19 plates
サイズ size:H311×W264mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:封筒、挨拶状/envelope, a letter of greeting(inscribed by Issey Miyake).
状態 condition:挨拶状に三宅一生の献呈署名あり。/inscribed by Issey Miyake on a letter of greeting.