Cheng Shang-hsi(1937-2011) is one of Taiwan's leading photographers and a documentist of everyday life, who won the Outstanding Writer Award at the 1960s photo salon "Taipei Photo Salon". This book is a catalog of exhibitions held at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum in 1997 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of his birth.
ディレクター:Munlee Lin
チーフキュレーター:Yulin Lee
アートデザイナー:Chienhua Feng
出版社 publisher:台北市立美術館/Taipei Fine Arts Museum
刊行年 year:1997
ページ数 pages:183
サイズ size:H280×W225mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:中文(繁体字)/英文-Chinese/English
付属品 attachment:展覧会パンフレット/an exhibition pamphlet.
状態 condition:表紙少汚れ。/slightly damaged on the cover.