Issei Suda (1940-2019)'s representative works, "Fushikaden" and "Waga Tokyo 100", which can be said to be classics of contemporary photography. This book is an extension of "Waga Tokyo 100", which was shot in Kanda and the surrounding area where he was born and raised. The format has been changed to a 35mm rectangular format instead of the previous square format, giving an impression that is a bit different from the previous Suda works. Although it is said to be modern, the shooting date and time is from 1979 to 1982. I think Tokyo around 1980 was Tokyo for him.
編集:柿沼充弘、マ ボンワイ ボニー
700部発行:Limited edition of 700 copies
出版社 publisher:禅フォトギャラリー/Zen Foto Gallery
刊行年 year:2020
ページ数 pages: 131
サイズ size:H208×W208mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:良好です。/very good.