Israel, Jordan, Palestine. The Middle East is the epicenter of a never-ending conflict. Stephen Shore, a pioneering photographer, visited this troubled place multiple times in 1994, the 2000s, and again in 2010 and 2011, investigating the region as a living organism. He traveled every nook and cranny of the region, questioning and revealing through his camera lens. He explores the landscape itself, the people who inhabit it, and the daily lives and stories that make up this fascinating place. It is sometimes beautiful and ugly, safe and hostile. His photographs are shot both with an 8x10 view camera and digital cameras, in black and white and color, which may be considered a metaphorical technique of contradictions.
デザイン:Kobi Benezri
出版社 publisher:Phaidon Press Limited
刊行年 year:2014
ページ数 pages:223
サイズ size:H345×W300mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:英文/English
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.