Known for his deliberately overexposed, high-key style, Walter Niedermeyer's subtle visual language has unfortunately been imitated by countless photographers in recent years. Niedermeyer became known to a wider audience as a celebrated photographer thanks to his series on alpine landscapes, architecture and infrastructure. In this book, Niedermeyer traveled between 2005 and 2008 to the small cities and historical sites of Iran, including Tehran, Isfahan, Yazd and Shiraz. His travels led to the creation of a new body of work that examines various aspects of contemporary Iranian architecture in a cultural and historical context. Although the locations have changed, Niedermeyer's distinctive style is still alive and well.
エッセイ:Amir Hassan Cheheltan, Lars Mextorf
グラフィックデザイン:Mevis & Van Deursen
出版社 publisher:Hatje Cantz
刊行年 year:2010
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H300×W258 mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:英文/アラビア語-English/Arabic
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.