IDEA アイデア special limited edition typography-ex IDEA 270 Remix

What's New in Typography
Jonathan Barnbrook
Carlos Segura
Eric Lin
Mario Feliciano
Peter Bruhn
Dirk Uhlenbrock
Stephen Farrell
Frank Heine
Edward Fella
House Industries
Elliott Peter Earls
"Liquid Typography"
P.Scott Makela
Rick Valicenti
Paul Sych
Patrick Giasson
Magnus Rakeng
Frank Ford
The Attik Design
Scott Clum
Joshua Berger
Pete McCracken
Marcus Burlile
Charles Wilkin
Pablo Medina
Kyle Cooper
Jonathan Hoefler
"What in Your Vision of Typography in the Future?"
"The American Type"
Active Typography
Alexei Tylevich
Smoke and Mirrors Productions Limited
Dylan Kendle
Jonathan Barnbrook
David Carson

出版社 publisher:誠文堂新光社/Seibundo Shinkosha
刊行年 year:2000
ページ数 pages:135
サイズ size:H296×W224mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:和文/一部英文-Japanese/English in some parts
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket
状態 condition:良好です。/very good.
Overseas shipping available. If you would like to order the book please contact us directly by email or via online inquiry form.