A collection of photographs by Taiwan's leading local photographer, Tsang-Tse Hsu (1930-2006), who was born in Lukang Township, Taiwan. A 30-year record photograph of the home town of Lu Gang. A number of humanistic photographs of the lives of the people of Ichii taken with warm eyes. Each photo has a unique description (in three languages). An interesting design with the cover cut out in an octagon. By the way, it is said that Tsang-Tse Hsu never left his hometown of Lu Gang as a photographer.
出版社 publisher:左羊出版社
刊行年 year:1989 First edition, First printing
ページ数 pages:130
サイズ size:H250×W250mm
言語 language:中文/和文/英文-Chinese/Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:表紙少傷み。見返し蔵印。/slightly damaged on the cover, owner stamp on the end paper.