A photo book that summarizes the rituals of the islands of the Ryukyu Islands, which was also the wife work of Yasuo Higa (1938-2000), one of Okinawa's leading photographers. A total of 12 volumes completed over 3 years from the first distribution in December 1989. This project was intended to capture the Ryukyu lone festival visually and systematically, but it is not limited to that, but through exchanges with the gods who are still rooted in life and continue to live as a bond of the community, the world view of the Ryukyu arc, It is also an attempt to take a closer look at the spiritual climate. It also contains the intention to record the festival of the island, which is becoming a mere corpse year by year, and to express the spiritual world behind it.
vol.1:女が男を守るクニ 久高島の年中行事[1]
vol.2:女が男を守るクニ 久高島の年中行事[2]
vol.3:遊行する祖霊神 ウヤガン[宮古島]
vol.4:来訪する鬼 パーントゥ[宮古島]
vol.5:主婦が神になる刻 イザイホー[久高島]
vol.6:来訪するマユの神 マユンガナシー[石垣島]
vol.7:来訪するギレーの神 シマノーシ[渡名喜島]
vol.8:異界の神ヤガンの来訪 ヤガンウユミ[粟国島]
vol.9:世を漕ぎ寄せる シチ[西表島]
vol.10:海の神への願い 竜宮ニガイ[宮古島]
vol.11:豊年を招き寄せる ヒラセマンカイ[奄美大島]
vol.12:巡行する神司たち マチリ[与那国島]
出版社 publisher:ニライ社/Niraisha
刊行年 year:1989-1993
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H202×W210mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket.
状態 condition:カバー背少ヤケ。/slightly sunburned on the spine of the dust jacket.