Five years have passed since the previous work "
Macaroni Christian", which was praised by photographer Eikoh Hosoe. The second photo book of Kazuyoshi Usui. As the title suggests, "If the Showa era had continued until now, what would it look like now? I took it from that perspective (Mr. Usui)." A book that feels another Japan developed from a parallel perspective with vivid colors. The book design is Satoshi Machiguchi of Match and Company.
1000部発行:Limited edition of 1000 copies
出版社 publisher:禅フォトギャラリー/ZEN FOTO GALLERY
刊行年 year:2011 First edition
ページ数 pages:80(40photos)
サイズ size:H260×W160mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
付属品 attachment:スリップケース/slip case
状態 condition:新品/new