A limited photo book published at the exhibition of Mie Morimoto held at Canon Gallery S in 2015. Includes color photos taken in 6x6 format. Since this book is a bookbinding of the work printed by the professional photo printer "Canon DreamLabo 5000" that can output with high-quality inkjet, you can feel the vividness of the photograph more than normal offset printing.
プロデュース:Canon Marketing Japan Inc.
印刷・製本:JAPAN CREATE Co. Ltd.
限定50部発行ナンバー入り:Limited edition of 50 copies with numbering
出版社 publisher:
刊行年 year:2015
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H274×W282mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:袋/a bag.
状態 condition:著者落款あり。経年並みです。/good, a photographer's seal.