Yuko Kotaki said she started taking photographs in the winter of 2012 when her parents died one after another and became interested in the film cameras and contact sheets found in her relics. By taking a picture of her, she gradually sublimated her feeling of loneliness, which she couldn't put into words due to the loss of connection with her relatives. Originally she was a rare person who entered the path of photography from a music piano teacher. By the way, "thread play" refers to the phenomenon that a spider cub rides on a thread and floats in the sky on a sunny day in spring, and in Chinese it also means heat haze, signed.
印刷・製本:サンネムカラー/Sun m color LTD,.
出版社 publisher:蒼穹舎/Sokyu-Sha
刊行年 year:2019
ページ数 pages:75
サイズ size:H217×W264mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language : 和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。サイン入り。/good, signed.