Artists and photographers who do not have a formal education can produce extraordinary and attractive works on rare occasions. Dutch photographer Henri Senders may also be outside the mainstream of photography. He had no formal training in photography and began taking photographs out of the blue in 2006, using only natural light. The style that he arrived at after repeated trial and error is sensual and erotic, and it is characterized by vulnerable but insubstantial, alienating and graphic depictions. He explains himself that the method is haphazard and after deciding on a model and location, every image is the result of improvisation and intuition. This book is his first photo book that collects his works from 2007 to 2014.
テキスト:Henri Senders
出版社 publisher:Lecturis
刊行年 year:2014
ページ数 pages:160
サイズ size:H279×W199mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language :
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状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.