A collection of photographs by photographer Junko Yamagami. She consists of photographs taken in 1987 when she went to the United States as a fellowship of the Asian Cultural Council (ACC). Includes monochrome shots taken in various places, such as New York, downtown California, rural areas such as Mississippi and Texas, and resort areas such as Hawaii. Foreword by Robert Frank. Signed.
テキスト:ロバート・フランク/Robert Frank
出版社 publisher:self published
刊行年 year:1991
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H270×W311mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language :和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket
状態 condition:経年並みです。サインあり。/good, signed.