A collection of works by Tokyo-born photographer Osamu Kanemura, who transforms the hustle and bustle of the city into a sharp, monochrome world. The collection includes photographs taken in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kobe between 1998 and 2000. The title is based on Frank Zappa's "Suzy Cream Cheese," with Kanemura's own "oil" added, adding a sense of obstinacy and excess that is symbolic of the Kansai region. Signed.
エディトリアル・スーパーバイザー:SUPER LABO
500部発行:Edition of 500 copies
出版社 publisher:スーパーラボ/SUPER LABO
刊行年 year:2012
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H296×W210mm
フォーマット format:中綴じ/saddle stitch
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:サインあり。経年並みです。/good, signed.