Suzuki Kiyoshi (1943-2000) is known as a photographer who continued to explore the possibilities of the photobook medium in a unique way. He started out as a photographer in the late 1960s, and published only eight photobooks in his 30 years of photography. This is his fourth photobook. As the title suggests, the exchange of black and white + color abstract photographs makes it seem as if one is wandering in a dream. The intricacy of the book design, such as the ink photographs printed on a silver solid print, the frequent use of the same image, the newspaper clipping-style text, and the layout that makes use of the negative frames in the design, can be said to be a treasure trove of ideas that are more noteworthy than the works themselves.
出版社 publisher:OCEABN BOOKS
刊行年 year:1988
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H186×W265mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket.
状態 condition:カバー少ヤケ。天少汚れ。/slightly damaged on the dust jacket and top edge.