「Paul Harnden」は1987年にポール・ハーデンがイギリスで創業。当初はハンドメイド靴のみの少量生産だったが、徐々に洋服全般のアイテムも作り始め現在に至る。生産数が非常に少なく、また取扱店もウェブサイトに洋服の画像はアップできないため、実物を目にする機会は極端に少ないブランド。本書は2004年、2005年秋冬のルックブック。とはいうもののモノクロームで表面に細かい傷、ピントは甘く、やや動きのある写真のためほとんどディティールは分からないが、そこが同ブランドの世界観を如実に表しているのだろう。唯一無二のアルチザン系ブランドらしいカタログ。
"Paul Harnden" was founded in the UK in 1987 by Paul Harnden. Initially, they only produced small quantities of handmade shoes, but gradually they started to produce general clothing items as well. The number of items produced is very small, and the stores that stock them are not allowed to upload images of the clothes on their websites, so there are very few opportunities to see the brand in person. This book is the lookbook for the 2004 and 2005 autumn/winter collections. However, the monochrome nature of the photos, with their fine scratches on the surface, the focus being poor, and the photos being somewhat dynamic means that most of the details are not visible, but this is perhaps what really expresses the worldview of the brand. This is a catalog that is typical of a one-of-a-kind artisan brand.
限定3000部発行ナンバー入り:Limited edition of 3,000 copies with numbering
出版社 publisher:Paul harnden
刊行年 year:2004
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H410×W295mm
フォーマット format:中綴じ/saddle stitch
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:表紙傷み。/damaged on the cover.