Lieko Shiga's photo book published by
Canary for the first time in about five years. This book is comprised of works created from her interactions with the residents of the surrounding area after she moved to Kitagama, Miyagi Prefecture. The world of the photo exhibition "Rasen Kaigan" held at Sendai Mediatheque from November 2012 to January 2013 has been compiled into a photo book. High-definition printing with a total of 260 pages. Printed by SanM Color, a famous printing company in Kyoto.
出版社 publisher:赤々舎/AKAAKA ART PUBLISHING
刊行年 year:2013
ページ数 pages:260
サイズ size:H337×W256mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:
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状態 condition:表紙少ヤケ、少傷み。/slightly damaged and sunburned on the cover.