アメリカでさらなる絵の勉強をするために彼女はカリフォルニア・スクール・オブ・ファイン・アーツに留学した。しかし、たまたま下宿先の近くにあった写真屋に立ち寄ったところコンソエロ・カネガ女史(Consuelo Kanaga 1894-1978)の助手になり、山沢の人生は一気に写真へと向っていく。当時のアメリカの写真界は、アルフレッド・スティーグリッツ(1864-1946)を中心にアメリカの近代写真勃興期でもあった。
Original color print by Eiko Yamazawa (1899-1995). The shooting year and print year are unknown. A metal name plate is struck on the back of the forehead. Are both the forehead and the print made for exhibition? The unique color tone and composition of the red and yellow poppies reveals Yamazawa's devotion to abstract photography.
Eiko Yamazawa, a pioneer of Japanese female photographers, was born in Osaka in 1899. She loved painting from an early age and initially majored in Japanese painting at Joshibi University of Art and Design. But while she devoted herself to studying Japanese painting, she also helped her interest in Western culture, and after she graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design she attended YWCA to learn English. In the meantime, she became interested in Raicho Hiratsuka's women's liberation movement, and the consciousness of women's independence began to grow in her head. Finally, in 1926, at the age of 27, she was alone in the United States. Cross over to.
She studied abroad at the California School of Fine Arts to study more painting in her United States. But she happened to drop in at a photo shop near her boarding house and became an assistant to Ms. Consuelo Kanaga (1894-1978), and her Yamazawa's life went straight to photography. I will go. The American photography world at that time was also the nascent period of modern photography in the United States, centered on Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946).
She learned from Ms. Kanaga to her portrait attitude and writing skills, and in 1929, when the Great Depression broke out, she returned to Japan and she opened her photo studio in Osaka. She started her career in photography in earnest. From the 1930s to the 1940s she did studio and stage photography, and although she steadily gained a career, she went on a trip to New York in 1955, and around this time her consciousness changed to abstract photography. It was. She doesn't know that her creativity diminishes over the years, even though she broke her femur in 1984 and couldn't handle the camera. She still makes paper collages with her paper. She had an incredible curiosity that kept her creative motivation until her death.
撮影年 photographed year:unknown
プリント年 printed year unknown
フレームサイズ image size:H×Wmm
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.