A photo book of Yoshihiro Tatsuki published as a separate volume of Camera Mainichi. A cheerful photo book like Tachiki who was particular about "woman" at that time, such as changing places such as Big Sur, Malibu, and Venice in California, and scouting general women who met at professional models and parties. The cover was designed by Seiichi Horiuchi, and edited by Shoji Yamagishi, a famous editor who was even said to be Emperor Yamagishi at that time.
出版社 publisher:毎日新聞社/The Mainichi Newspapers.
刊行年 year:1973
サイズ size:H257×W210mm
フォーマット format:中綴じ/saddle stitch
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:表紙少ヤケ。/slightly sunburned on the cover.