フランスの画家でフォーヴィスム(野獣派)の重鎮アンリ・マティス(1869-1954)が1947年にTeriade editeurよりわずか270部のみ出版した作品集『JAZZ』の復刻版。本書は1983年にアメリカのGeorge Braziller社から出版された精巧な複製本。臨場感と即興性に溢れるジャズの世界観を切り紙絵で見事に表現したマティス晩年の傑作版画とテキストを収録。
A reprint of JAZZ, a collection of works by Henri Matisse (1869-1954), a French painter and major figure of Fauvism (Beast School), published in 1947 by Teriade editeur in only 270 copies. This book is an exquisite reproduction published by George Braziller in the United States in 1983. Contains Matisse's masterpiece prints and text from his later years, which brilliantly expressed the worldview of jazz, full of realism and improvisation, through paper-cutting.
序文:Riva Castleman
出版社 publisher:George Braziller
刊行年 year:1984 Third printing
ページ数 pages:156
サイズ size:H470×W335mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:英文/部分的に仏文-English/French in some parts
付属品 attachment:函/slip case.
状態 condition:表紙少ヤケ。/slightly sunburned on the cover.