This is the 2003 calendar of Supreme, a fashion brand from New York, USA. He was banned from the fashion world for photography, so where is he now? Terry Richardson, the fashion world's rowdy, shows off pornographic photos. It was a time when only the first store in New York existed, and who would have thought they would release such radical content? A large poster is also included. The photos have been mosaic processed.
写真:Terry Richardson
クリエイティヴ・ディレクション:Andrew Richardson
キャスティング:Leslie Lessin, Seth Goldfarb
ヘア:Marc Townsend
メイクアップ:Stacy Skinner
カレンダーガール:Diora, Erica C, Erica S, Heather H, Heather G, Irina, Kirsten, Maia, Sarah, Vanessa
アートディレクション&デザイン:Laura Genninger, David Ortega
出版社 publisher:Supreme
刊行年 year:2003
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H625×W425mm
フォーマット format:カレンダー/Calendar
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:ケース、ポスター/case, poster
状態 condition:ケース少傷み。/slightly damaged on the case.