山脇敏次(1956-2016)は1956年東京生まれ。油絵、ドローイング、デザイン、写真などを独学で学び、パリ、ニューヨーク、ロサンジェルス、シドニー等で制作活動を行う。その後出版社勤務を経て、自身のスタジオ事務所”studio a la page”を設立。アートディレクターとして活動した経験も併せ持つ。50代になった頃から自身の作家活動に専念し、総合芸術における表現手法の一つとして写真による作品を発表し始める。2011年には初の写真集「Dimension of Vision」を上梓し、写真評論家・飯沢耕太郎氏に”教養のある写真”と言わしめた。本書は山脇氏の3冊目となる写真集。1冊1冊編集から印刷、製本までを彼自身が手がけた私家版です。世界の断片とも言うべきイメージの欠片が左右見開きにリズムよく配置され、読者に様々な解釈や隙間を生み出していく。表紙に白い塗装を施した独特の匂い。印刷用紙に和紙を採用したことで生まれる独特の手触り。本自体が彼の作品と読んでも過言ではない五感で体感する作品集。ドイツのカッセルで開催された
Photobook Festival Photobook Award第2位受賞作品。
Toshithugu Yamawaki (1956-2016) was born in Tokyo in 1956. He self-taught oil painting, drawing, design and photography, and has produced in Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, etc. After working for a publishing company, he founded his own studio office "studio a la page". He also has experience working as an art director. From the time he was in his fifties, he devoted himself to his own writing activities and began to present his photographic works as one of the expression methods in comprehensive art. In 2011, he published his first photo book "Dimension of Vision" and called photo critic Kotaro Iizawa "educated photography". This is Mr. Yamawaki's third photo book. This is a private edition that he himself worked on from editing to printing and binding one by one. Fragments of the image, which can be said to be fragments of the world, are arranged in a rhythmic manner on the left and right spreads, creating various interpretations and gaps for the reader. A unique scent with white paint on the cover. The unique texture created by using Japanese paper as the printing paper. It is not an exaggeration to read that the book itself is his work, and it is a collection of works that you can experience with all five senses. The second prize-winning work of the Photobook Festival Photobook Award held in Kassel, Germany.
100部発行ナンバー入り:Limited edition of 100 copies with numbering
出版社 publisher:Studio a la page
刊行年 year:2013 second edition
ページ数 pages:446
サイズ size:H305×W225mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。サインあり。/good, signed.