A collection of photographs by Sou Mitsuya, a photographer published by the Japanese publishing label "Rondade". This book is positioned as the first book of the prototype, and based on this first stage work collection, which is produced by selecting images with high thought-inducing from unpublished works, the prototype will be published in about one year. The idea is to go through the exhibition process several times and aim to complete the final form of the book. By combining various materials, cutting out the parts, and intentionally shifting the binding part, we aim to visualize the stream of consciousness itself during production.
出版社 publisher:Rondade/prototype
刊行年 year:2021
ページ数 pages:30
サイズ size:H345×W240mm
フォーマット format:中綴じ/saddle stitch
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:良好です。/very good.