Sandy Hill Estate is located northwest of Farnham, England, on the border of Surrey and Hampshire. The land, which includes a mix of private and municipal housing, was designed around a through-road that stretches like a spine and has a series of dead-end streets. The house has an unusual design, with the rear facing the street and garage, and the front facing a small courtyard with a mesh of sidewalks. Chris Shaw discovered this place in 1987 while attending art school. Although he felt alienated from other students at the time, he found a home at Sandy Hill Estate. He spent the next three years taking photos and giving prints to people, which led to more photos. In fact, he made a dummy of this book on campus in 1987, but in 2015 he dropped it on a train and had to make it again. In this book, a photo book was published based on the recreated dummy. The edges of the covers are randomly torn off by hand, so each book has a different design.
500部発行:Limited edition of 500 copies
出版社 publisher:Morel
刊行年 year:2015
ページ数 pages:96
サイズ size:H325×W231mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:英文/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:献呈サインあり。経年並みです。/dedication signature, good.