Catalog of the photo exhibition held at the Miyagi Museum of Art in 2004. In this book, we focus on landscapes that have no special features and works that capture very familiar things, and try to approach the essence of vision created by works that capture ordinary (common) scenes (scapes). exhibition. Introducing the world of works by eight artists: William Eggleston, Seiichi Furuya, Takashi Homma, Rika Noguchi, Heiner Schilling, Yoshiko Seino, Kyoji Takahashi, and Takashi Yasumura.
出版社 publisher:宮城県美術館/The Miyagi Museum of Art.
刊行年 year:2004
ページ数 pages:120
サイズ size:H260×W190mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.